Student Registration Form



In person registration starting Sunday August 11th from 11am to 2pm , Will also have another one on August 18 and August 25 , From 11am to 1pm

    1 : Basic Information

    2 : Parent's Information

    3: Health Related Information

    5: Payment Information

    Important Liability Agreement

    The undersigned who is the parent or legal guardian of the above named student agrees to completely indemnify and for ever hold harmless all the teachers, administrators, executive committee members, and the general body members of the IILM Islamic Center and its Islamic School from all liabilities that may result from an accident or injury be it physical or mental, to the student as a result of attending the Islamic school of IILM.

    Important School Policy and Procedure Agreement

    By enrolling the above student at IILM Islamic School, the parent/guardian agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth in the Policies and Procedures manual ratified by the IILM School board.