
TABOOT and Majlis e Aza Day of Shahdat of IMAM Ali AS, TODAY. Tuesday, at IILM Center, Plano at 4PM

TABOOT and Majlis e Aza Day of Martyrdom of IMAM Ali AS,

TODAY, Tuesday, May 4th,  Ramadan, 21st, at IILM Center, Plano at 4 PMand Ifftar program in-Person at IILM Center Plano TX
4:00 PM Quran, Hades e Kisa, Salaam and Marsiya
5:00PM Speech by Moulana Syed Shahid Hussain
5:45PM Taboot, Noha o Mataam

6:30PM Ladies Only Majlis Day of Shahdat of Amirul Momineen Imam Ali AS

7:30pm with daily recitation of Holy Quran
8:28PM Maghrabain Prayer followed by Ifftar
9:30PM Dua e Iftetah

IILM Daily Ramadan Ifftar sponsorships available.
Please Donate IILM Ramadan Fund